

Simply double-click (execute) the downloaded file, Setup_MT.exe

The program files will be installed to the directory C:\MTRACK by default.  Follow the instructions presented on the screen.

Starting MTrack

From the Maintenance Tracker Program Group:  double-click on "READ ME" and run the slideshow demo for general info.  Open the "MTrack Manual" (find Appendix A - Maintenance Tracker Tutorial) and run "MTrack Sample" to learn about the program.  Forget the mouse while in MTrack - - Use the keyboard !

Important Note:  Before you can start entering data for your Equipment, Work Orders, etc. you must first add entries in the Validation database.  MTrack uses this database to verify correct data entry in some of the fields.  Use the sample data and take the tutorial to familiarize yourself with the program before entering data for your particular plant or business.  See Appendix A, Maintenance Tracker Tutorial.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  I just installed MTrack and I get the error message “check if any files are missing or that the disk is not full”.  The disk is not full, nor are any files missing. 
A:  If you have not re-booted the computer after installing, do that first.  Otherwise, add FILES=80 to the C:\CONFIG.SYS file for DOS, Windows 3.x or Windows 9x.  Add FILES=80 to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT for Windows NT, 2000, or XP.  See CONFIG.SYS and CONFIG.NT.

Q:  When selecting a programs from the MTrack main menu, I get an error message saying the program must be started from a menu. 
A:  Windows has too many entries for the PATH environment variable.  Open "Control Panel", select "System", click the advanced tab, click environment variables.  Double click PATH from the list of variables and copy the contents (ctrl C) to the clipboard, then paste (ctrl V) into notepad (or any text editor).  Save this text file for reference.  Now remove entries between the semicolons (;) that are likely to be un-used, old, or unnecessary.  The problem is that some install/uninstall programs put unnecessary entries in this variable and it's simply too long.  Very few programs actually require permanent entries here, but some install programs just add entries anyway.  Leave the "%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;" which is Windows default.  Also check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the root of C:\ for unnecessary entries in the PATH= line.  Windows still uses the PATH variable in the AUTOEXEC.BAT even on 2000 and XP.  If the total length is under 250 characters there shouldn't be a problem.

Q:  How do I print to a Network Printer?
A:  This is accomplished by capturing the standard LPT1 port and re-directing it to the remote printer. In the print menus in MTrack select either PRN or LPT1 as the output device.  With Windows 95/98 select "Capture Printer Port" from the details tab of the printer's properties or by right clicking on the printer folder in "My Computer".  With Windows NT, 2000 or XP the NET USE LPT1: command can be added at the beginning of the MTrack.BAT file.  (Typical syntax is NET USE LPT1: \\computername\printername)  See Windows Help, your network administrator will have other methods also.

Q:  How do I print to a USB Printer (using MTrack or other DOS style software)?
A:  This may be accomplished using the capture method above as well.  Another method is to downlad a utility such as PrintFile.  PrintFile is a freeware print spooler that will automatically print specified files.  Further info is at the Printfile web site [EXTERNAL].

Configure PrintFile by going to settings and enabling the spooler, then click the "Text File" button and select "Send to Printer".  Exit PrintFile and edit the properties of the PrintFile desktop icon - change the target to:
"C:\Program Files\PrintFile\PRFILE32.EXE" /s:c:\MTrack\tempfile.txt
leaving the quotes intact (this assumes the default file locations for both software products).  This download will do all of this for you IF the default locations were used to install PrintFile and MTrack.
Usage:  Click on the PrintFile icon to start the spooler, start MTrack and use  DSK  as the printer destination.

Q:  Printed reports are not starting at the top of a page, what's wrong?
A:  There are two possibilities; if the very first page did not start correctly, the printer was not set to start at the top to begin with.  This can happen if the last print job did not issue a form feed (MTrack always does) on the last page.  Laser printers typically don't actually print a page until they receive a form feed or the page buffer is full, therefore you could have a few (possibly blank) lines waiting to be printed.  If the first page starts correctly, and each subsequent page is starting further away from the top, the Lines per Page setting in the report filter is not the same as the printer's Lines per Page setting.  Simply change either setting so they match.  The report filters remember your last Lines per Page entry, so it will become the default setting.  See the section titled Trouble Shooting Printer Problems for further details.

Q:  Is there on-line help?
A:  Press <F1> for on-line help, help is context sensitive.

Q:  I just installed MTrack and I can't enter data in some of the fields in Equipment/Job Tracker, Work Order Tracker, or Parts Tracker.  What wrong?
A:  You will need to enter data in the Look-Up tables in the Validation Database first.  These tables are used as a list of available entries in some of the more critical fields to enhance searching and reporting as well as speed data entry.  See the sections titled Introduction and Validation Database.  You can use the sample data-files for practice.

Q:  The cursor is stuck inside a scrolling "memo" window, how do I get the cursor out?
A:  Press <Ctrl> <Page Down> to move out of a scrollable "memo" window.  The up and down arrow keys are used to move the cursor around the normal fixed length fields.

Q:  How do I print the records in Equipment/JobTracker that are due for PM?
A:  All reports are done through the "Print, Search & Sort" Main menu item.  Select "Equipment/Job searches & sorts", then the report format (either list or full record).  In the Report Filter enter a date in the PM's due by field, a destination in the Output Device field, then press <F10> to print the report.  Most users enter a date slightly in the future so they can plan work ahead of time.  See the section titled Equipment/Job Report Filter, or the Reports section for more details.

Q:  How do I print Work Orders that have not been completed?
A:  All reports are done through the "Print, Search & Sort" Main menu item.  Select "Work Orders", then the report format (either list or full record).  In the Report Filter enter a Y [YES] in the Only Incomplete Work Orders field, a destination in the Output Device field, then press <F10> to print the report.  See the section titled Work Order Report Filter or the Reports section for more details.

Q:  How do I search for records, put them in a different order, and view different DATAFILES such as Equipment History?  Where is the terminology explained?
A:  See the manual section titled The MTrack Command Menu (Database Menus).

Q:  I can't edit a record, the menu item is grayed and the hot-key (<Ctrl> + <Enter>) doesn't work either.  What is wrong?
A:  Either you have not logged on at all, or your security level is to low for the desired operation.  See the section titled The MTrack Main Menu or Default Security Settings for details.  If necessary, ask whoever is the SYSOP to increase your security level.  Press <F1> with "Logon" selected on the main menu for the help window with default users names and passwords.

Q:  Can I copy and paste from memo/note fields in MS Windows (any version)? 
A:  Yes, this is an excellent and under-used feature in MS Windows.  Run MTrack in a "window".  (To change from "full screen" mode to "window mode", press <Alt>+<Enter>.)  To activate the clipboard, press <Alt>+<SpaceBar>, choose "Edit", then "Mark".  Now either select the area to copy with the mouse, or use the <Arrow> keys to place the cursor in the upper left corner, then hold the <shift key> and press the <Arrow> keys to move the cursor to the lower right corner of the area to copy to the clipboard, then accept the marked area by pressing <Enter>.  Back in MTrack, go to the record that you want to add the text into, and put it in the edit mode (from the "edit" menu).  Place the cursor exactly where you want the upper left corner of the text previously copied.  Press <Alt>+<SpaceBar>, choose "Edit", then "Copy".  Presto, you're done.  You can copy text from any application to a MTrack memo/note field from the Windows Clipboard.  Note that when using MTrack in a window, we recommend using keyboard commands for MTrack instead of the mouse.

Q:  Can users on a network edit the same record at the same time?
A:  Users on a network may edit different records, but are not allowed to edit the same record simultaneously.  A user attempting to edit a record already being edited will receive a "Record in use" message.

Q:  I forgot my password, what do I do?
A:  If the password for the SYSOP (level 9) has been forgotten, you will have to re-install the software.  Delete the file MBRUN.EXE from the MTrack program directory, back up your files in the DATA folder and re-install.  The automatic installer will not delete your existing data files, but the manual installer will.

Manual Installer

For the manual DOS installer, double-click (execute) the downloaded file, MT_Setup.exe (Note: The manual installer is recommended for DOS, windows 3.x and advanced users only).

Follow the instructions presented on the screen.  After the main program files are installed, a read-me screen is displayed.  Press <ESCAPE> to leave the read-me file, then press <ENTER> to start data file installation.  (Caution: this step overwrites any previous MTrack data.  Skip data file installation if you are re-installing and need to preserve your data.)

CONFIG.SYS and CONFIG.NT  (Note: These steps are not necessary with the automatic installer)

You MUST have a FILES=80 (or greater) statement in either the C:\CONFIG.SYS file for DOS, Windows 3.x or 9x, or in C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT for Windows XP, 2000, NT.

Note for Windows XP, 2000, NT:  The Windows directory may have been named other than \WINNT so look the in the \SYSTEM32 directory off the main Windows directory with Windows Explorer.  The default CONFIG.NT has FILES=40 as the last line, change it to FILES=80.

If the CONFIG.SYS file is not present, create it and add the FILES=80 statement.  You can use Windows NOTEPAD.EXE to edit or create this file, or use the MTEDIT.EXE program that is included with Maintenance Tracker.  To use MTEDIT, type C:\MTRACK\MTEDIT C:\CONFIG.SYS or C:\MTRACK\MTEDIT C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT for Windows NT or 2000 at a command (DOS) prompt.  You can also type this at the RUN command in the START menu from Windows.  Check for a FILES= statement, change if necessary, save the file and exit the MTEDIT program.  (Note that the above assumes the default locations for MTRACK and Windows NT/2000.)

Website difficulties

If a page is incomplete or missing pictures, first try the refresh (reload) button on your browser.  If that does not correct it, close the browser and delete the Temporary Internet Files.  For Internet Explorer, right click on the explorer icon, choose Properties, then on the General Tab select Delete Files in the Temporary Internet Files section.  Please send e-mail if problems continue.

Technical Support

Due to the low cost - support is very limited, and only by email.  Maintenance Tracker has been successfully used for many years around the world.  Nearly every problem users have had is addressed in this Web Site, the Readme File, or in the manual and tutorial.  Note that if you're not familiar with networking, you may need assistance within your organization setting up the software for multiple users.

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